Putting people and the planet first
Social entrepreneurship includes social enterprises, which are entities that have social or environmental objectives as the reason for their commercial activities. These enterprises can support local development and social cohesion, but they might need specific support measures and other enabling conditions to thrive.
This part of the Tool allows to assess whether current policies and programmes enable and support social enterprises to start up and scale. The assessment includes seven modules with thought-provoking question statements, covering different action areas within the social entrepreneurship ecosystem. You will be asked to assess your context against these statements.
Social enterprises are a part of the social economy. To learn more about the social economy, watch this video and consult the links at the bottom of this page.
Assess your social entrepreneurship (or social economy) ecosystem
- You can carry out the assessment in your own language by selecting it from the drop-down menu at the top right.
- Each self-assessment includes a collection of good practice statements against which you are asked to assess your city, region or country.
- The assessment includes seven modules covering different action areas. Each module takes approximately ten minutes to complete, depending on the information you have at hand. The full assessment therefore takes approximately one hour to complete.
- You can complete the assessment in whichever order you like, and in various stages.
- You do not need to sign up to carry out the assessment, but to save your results at the end you will need to create an account. An account will also allow you to create groups and invite other stakeholders to take the assessment together.
- There are NO wrong answers. Please answer your questions as honestly as possible. This will ensure that you get a true reflection.
- Please note that you can also use this assessment to assess your current social economy ecosystem by simply filling it out with a broader focus on social economy organisations in mind.
We hope that you will find the self-assessment useful to stimulate reflection.

Learn more about the EU Social Economy Action Plan, EU funding opportunities for the social economy and social economy ecosystems in all EU Member States.

The Recommendation on Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation was adopted by the OECD Council at Ministerial level on 10 June 2022 on the proposal of the Local Employment and Economic Development Committee (LEED).

The social entrepreneurship assessment above can be a useful tool to support the development of national, regional and local strategies.