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Migrant Entrepreneurs Team-Up with Mentors (MEnt), EU



The MEnt programme was an EU-level entrepreneurial project financed by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. MEnt aimed to facilitate and foster economic and social integration of immigrants interested in developing a business or joining a team of entrepreneurs. The programme was been adapted to the needs of immigrant entrepreneurs and consists of short training sessions, incubation services, mentoring in addition to other tools and resources. The project was delivered by partner organisations across five countries: ZSI (Austria), Avanzi (Italy), Codici (Italy), Kiron Open Higher Education (Belgium and Germany), Make Sense (France) and SomosMas (Spain). 


MEnt aimed to facilitate and foster economic and social integration of immigrants, notably through the development of new business initiatives. The programme had three main objectives: 1) support the development of soft (e.g. leadership, entrepreneurial intention, risk propensity) and hard (e.g. technical skills) entrepreneurial skills; 2) provide dedicated business support services through incubation and mentoring; and 3) foster cultural integration and social capital through network creation and support for new immigrant entrepreneurs. 

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The programme cycle was 5 months and included a range of entrepreneurship support at no cost to participants. The short training sessions focused primarily on early-stage business development, providing support for business ideation, project evaluation, and business development. Following the training sessions, participants also received light incubation support. This included two workshops aimed to provide knowledge and aid in the creation of a business model as well as facilitate access to markets, resources and key partners in the local community. The programme offered additional tools such as short lessons designed to provide participants with knowledge on specific themes or subjects that can be applied during workshops sessions. Teachers or experts in the field provided 20-40 minutes of in-person instruction per sessions. Experts also provided presentations and talks to participants with the aim to inspire and motivate participants as well as acting as entrepreneurial role models. 

Another core tenant of MEnt was the matching of immigrant entrepreneurs to a mentor as it helps to foster business relationships and networking in the local community and allows immigrant entrepreneurs to gain valuable insights of the business sector and national context. MEnt also provided peer-to-peer learning sessions with the intention of fostering discussion among participants following other training sessions and workshops. 


The first cycle of the programme ran between 2017 and 2018. In total, there were 81 participants accepted out of the 148 applications received. Among participants, there were 46 entrepreneurial projects. Participants came from over 23 different countries, and most had been in their country of residence for less than 3 years. The average participant in the programme is an adult male, aged between 26 and 35 years old. 
