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Għażliet ta’ filtru


Hawnhekk tista’ ssib riżultati ta’ valutazzjoni kompluti minn gruppi eżistenti. Tista’ tuża l-filtri u/jew tfittex b’kelma muftieħ biex tnaqqas ir-riżultati tiegħek.

The Lead User of this group is Kamil Nawirski.

Female students in WUST is a dynamic group that unites ambitious and entrepreneurial young, female students.

Raise awareness of the potential of entrepreneurship as a career path for youth.

The Lead user of this group is Marcelina Ciesielska.

Име на проучването: Мигрантско предприемачество
Име на проучването - Младежко предприемачество

The "Better Entrepreneurship Policy" tool developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) serves as a valuable resource for assessing the impact of public policies on youth entrepreneurship. It provides an understanding of how public policies influence the participation and engagement of young people in entrepreneurial activities. This tool is useful for examining how policies provide support and resources to young entrepreneurs, assessing the availability of incentives for self-employment, and identifying factors that either hinder or encourage their entrepreneurial aspirations.

The "Better Entrepreneurship Policy" tool developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a valuable resource for assessing the impact of public policies on social entrepreneurship. It provides insight into how these policies influence the engagement and participation of social entrepreneurs, the support and resources available to them, and the broader social and economic context in which they operate. This tool helps to analyze the effectiveness of policies to promote and support social entrepreneurship and identify areas for improvement to create a more conducive environment for social innovation and impact.

The "Better Entrepreneurship Policy" tool developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) plays a crucial role in assessing the impact of public policies on unemployment. It provides a structured approach to capture how public policies influence the involvement and engagement of unemployed people in entrepreneurial ventures, thereby fostering a more inclusive and supportive atmosphere. This tool proves particularly valuable in examining how policies facilitate the transition of the unemployed to entrepreneurship, the availability of various intangible and tangible resources, and whether these hinder or encourage their entrepreneurial aspirations.