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This group assessment was created in the context of a policy webinar on Using the OECD-EU Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool to strengthen youth entrepreneurship support. the aim of the webinar is to reflect on youth entrepreneurship policies in different territories and how stakeholder consultations can support strengthening of the policy landscape.
Assessment name: Supporting youth in entrepreneurship in Romania
Assessment name: Supporting youth in entrepreneurship.
Política de empreendedorismo juvenil numa economia pós-COVID em Portugal / Youth entrepreneurship policy in a post-COVID economy in Portugal OECD project 2021

The "Better Entrepreneurship Policy" tool developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an important instrument for assessing the impact of public policies on women entrepreneurs. It provides a systematic way to understand how public policies influence women's participation and engagement in entrepreneurial endeavors. This tool is particularly useful for analyzing how policies support women entrepreneurs, what access they have to various resources, and what factors either hinder or promote their entrepreneurial journey

Име на проучването: Мигрантско предприемачество
Име на проучването - Младежко предприемачество
Име на проучването - Женско предприемачество

The "Better Entrepreneurship Policy" tool developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) plays a crucial role in assessing the impact of public policies on unemployment. It provides a structured approach to capture how public policies influence the involvement and engagement of unemployed people in entrepreneurial ventures, thereby fostering a more inclusive and supportive atmosphere. This tool proves particularly valuable in examining how policies facilitate the transition of the unemployed to entrepreneurship, the availability of various intangible and tangible resources, and whether these hinder or encourage their entrepreneurial aspirations.