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Young Entrepreneurs Succeed!, Greece, Italy, Poland, and Spain




The Young Entrepreneurs Succeed! (YES!) project was launched in 2018 with the aim to facilitate youth entrepreneurship in Greece, Italy, Poland, and Spain, notably among young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET). YES! was funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment and was implemented by eight partner organisations, including Autoocupació (Spain), the Development Agency of Karditsa (ANKA, Greece), Youth Business Poland (Poland), and Microfinanza (Italy). 


Young people have been greatly impacted by the changing nature of the labour market and structure of employment. Globalisation and automation require different skills sets to be developed and many educational systems are mismatched with the new employment requirements. Moreover, the many political and economic challenges across Europe have led to limited opportunities for many young people to integrate into the labour force, leading to high levels of temporary employment or unemployment among youth. Entrepreneurship offers a means to activate under-represented and disadvantaged communities, particularly unemployed youth, to access the labour market. YES! aims to reinvigorate youth entrepreneurship among NEETs in Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain.

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YES! was based on the scaling trust-based partnership model and co-ordinated through the eight partner organisations across the four countries. The project was centred on training courses but also included coaching and mentoring opportunities offered by partner organisations, which often supported the identification of start-up finance. Implementation varied across countries to reflect diverse local contexts and needs. 

For example, ANKA (Greece) focused on developing capacity and empowering disadvantaged groups, such as NEETs in Roma communities, through courses covering 9 different topics (e.g. digital skills, social entrepreneurship, sector specific training, etc.) and ranging from 3-6 weeks. Microfinanza (Italy) delivered support to young people from groups that are under-represented in entrepreneurship, notably (young) women, migrants and refugees. These supports included training courses on financial and digital skills and a digital marketing training course that varied between 1-6 weeks. Autoocupació (Spain) delivered training courses on entrepreneurship, management and employability skills, ranging from 1-8 weeks. These courses were offered in-person, online and in a hybrid format. Online training courses focused on basic business skills and management strategies, ranging from 5-7 weeks, were delivered in Poland. 

Additionally, several implementing organisations, such as Microfinanza, offered free coaching and mentoring to participants and help them identify sources of start-up finance. Across all countries, YES! included an online peer-learning platform - Thinking Space - that offered resources for young entrepreneurs covering a range of themes such as NEETs and the future of work. 


By January 2021, the partner organisations of YES! had delivered 49 entrepreneurship training courses, totalling to more than 2 000 hours of entrepreneurship support for about 1 100 young people in the period 2018-21. Among the participants, young women were over-represented in 3 of the 4 countries: 62% in Italy, 58% in Poland, and 70% in Spain. 

The programme was evaluated in the period of September 2019 to January 2021. The key findings included improved entrepreneurial confidence (i.e. “I can do it”) among young people aged 25-29 years old in Italy as well as young women aged 20-29 years old in Greece and Poland. Additionally, many participants reported improved employment outcomes, meaning NEET participants moved into self-employment, employment or education. In Greece, nearly 15% of NEETs between the ages of 25-29 year olds who participated in training moved into self-employment, employment or education by the end of the programme. Similarly, 34% of NEET participants with university degrees in Spain and 44% in Poland were no longer NEETs at the end of the programme.