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Ceaje, Spain



Among CEAJE’s objectives, the most relevant for youth entrepreneurship are:
(i) to motivate, guide, empower and channel business initiatives;
(ii) to promote entrepreneurial culture;
(iii) to meet the needs of information, training, consultancy, research and development of member associations and, through them, those of the individual business associates; and
(iv) to facilitate the improvement of its members’ competitiveness.


CEAJE collaborates with ENISA (a public company, attached to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism) to help young innovative entrepreneurs fund their projects though participative loans. It has also developed a platform – AJEImpulsa – designed to foster the entrepreneurial process, aimed at the development and realisation of entrepreneurship, in collaboration with the Emprende XL Social Network (INJUVE). AJEImpulsa provides online support customised for each initiative, available through a simple registration process. Through this, young applicants may access the different services with the assistance of a technical advisor. Additionally, users have permanent access to a team of expert tutors in various areas of business management, which will inform, guide and train them throughout the process to get their business consolidated. Since 2001, CEAJE awards annually the National Young Entrepreneur Award to entrepreneurs under 40 years of age. There is no monetary prize but it involves a considerable media impact.

Activités principales

CEAJE collaborates with ENISA (a public company, attached to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism) to help young innovative entrepreneurs fund their projects though participative loans. It has also developed a platform – AJEImpulsa – designed to foster the entrepreneurial process, aimed at the development and realisation of entrepreneurship, in collaboration with the Emprende XL Social Network (INJUVE). AJEImpulsa provides online support customised for each initiative, available through a simple registration process. Through this, young applicants may access the different services with the assistance of a technical advisor. Additionally, users have permanent access to a team of expert tutors in various areas of business management, which will inform, guide and train them throughout the process to get their business consolidated. Since 2001, CEAJE awards annually the National Young Entrepreneur Award to entrepreneurs under 40 years of age. There is no monetary prize but it involves a considerable media impact.


In 2017, CEAJE brings together more than 18 500 young entrepreneurs spread over 55 associations throughout Spain. As the highest representative body of young entrepreneurs, it has as its main priority improving the environment in which their businesses are created and developed, helping to promote stability, competitiveness, innovation and internationalisation, thus helping ensure its survival.
This example was adapted from a longer case study that was published in the OECD/EU (2016) Inclusive Business Creation: Good Practice Compendium. For additional information and details, please refer to the original publication.