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Webinar Women's entrepreneurship policies that work for your territory: using the Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool

The OECD webinar Webinar "Women's entrepreneurship policies that work for your territory" was organised as part of the March on gender series of events in March 2022. The webinar gathered policymakers from the OECD and beyond to learn about the Tool and test it by reflecting in their respective policy environments for women's entrepreneurship. 5 participants filled out the questionnaire. 2 were from national Public administration, 1 from a Business support organisation, and 2 for other structures.. The average rating was 6.8/10, suggesting participants feel that a solid base of support is in place for women's entrepreneurs, with room for improvement still. Respondents rated regulations for women entrepreneurs as very supportive (8.5/10) while they felt that there was a need for more support regarding access to skills (5.1/10) and the development of a supportive culture for women entrepreneurship (5.2/10). Contact to learn more about how to use the tool, or to share your experience with it, the OECD is keen on hearing how it is used on the ground!
Assessment name: Supporting women in entrepreneurship.